She goes by the name Safaricom Lemotou. What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, “William Shakespeare.
A couple from Loiyangalani in Turkana County got a baby girl. They decided to name her after the first Safaricom booster. It was the first to be installed back in 2007.
Thirteen year old Safaricom Lemotou is currently in class 6. She is at El Molo Bay Primary School in her home county. According to her father who is Mzee Lemotou. Alias Baba Safaricom, the optimistic girl was given her name by her grandmother.
“Once we heard the name, we really liked it. Because there was no network in the area. However, safaricom set up its first mast in the area. It became easy to communicate with loved ones,” Baba Safaricom explained.
The bubbly Safaricom wants to become a doctor in future. This is despite all the challenges that family is facing. Baba Safaricom used to work as a security guard. Due to Covid-19 he had to try fishing pandemic.
Certain communities name their children according to prevailing conditions at the time of birth. This explains some names. Names such as Amicus, Otieno, Bensouda Akinyi among others over the last few years.
It’s also common for them to name children according to what they wish for. For example Baraka meaning Blessings. On his, Baba Safaricom expressed his gratitude. To the giants recognizing how communication has changed in vast and arid area.