Tarifa Poems: Your Girl

Hey you darling

You are special and every day spent with you is special

I don’t need Valentines or a birthday party

For me to buy you gifts or show you how much I love you


Hey you darling

You have an electrician’s gift

Cause you have perfected in turning me on

You know how to act like my current and my lifetime too

You know how to give me a spark boo


Hey you darling

I don’t need to be given butterflies

You’re a butterfly yourself

And how you flap your wings in my heart

Makes me feel you all through from my heart to my belly to my skeleton


You are my favourite song

And every line is just you

The rhythm is you and the whole content is you

When you dance my favourite song

The moves move me closer to your heart


You see, I don’t see you just like any other girl

A girl with two pointy boobs

No! I see my kid’s first KCC

And your back

My kid’s first Benz


Hey you girl

Don’t even bother giving those crushing on you first aid

Those who want to take you on a date

Gift them a calendar


I’ve already pictured us at 70

With wrinkles ready to pair to Wi-Fi

Still a pair

Still moving

Still in love


I hope your love for God will exceed your love for me

You can’t afford to abandon your faith

Cause that is an expensive joke!


You’ll have to know that I’ll try to love you

Because true love is in John 3:16

And the world is us

You and I will need the King of kings

My crown will have to melt under him, the Consuming fire


There is something with your legs

Just how you stand a chance of walking on the path of romance

Your arms have the tutorial of romancing

How you hold on to your promises

And your wrist doesn’t necessarily need a watch

You already know how to buy my time




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